Experience the power of traditional and natural healing methods

Welcome to Anyana Kai! We are a holistic wellness center and independent Native American church, founded by charmaine bassett back in 2007. Her family's vision was to blend the best natural and alternative healing methods under one roof. charmaine and her father, Joe Bassett, traveled all over the world, learning from the best naturopathic minds available. They took what they learned, and opened Anyana Kai, so they could best help their own community.

Here at Anyana Kai, we carry on what Joe and charmaine started by teaching everyone who comes to us how to best care for their bodies. We offer a wide range of classes from basic Anatomy and Physiology to advanced PhD-level material. Whether you're just starting or looking to take your education to the highest level, we've got you covered. What makes us special is that, as a functional holistic healing center with real clients, our students get hands-on experience in real world situations. Learning doesn't get more practical than that!

The practitioners at Anyana Kai are passionate about providing natural, safe, and effective methods to heal your mind, body, and spirit. Our methods make life changing differences in areas such as: mood, weight, aging, immune system efficiency, mental clarity, strength, endurance, and digestion. We use the latest techniques and equipment to keep your health in top shape.

So, whether you’re here to learn, heal, or both, we're excited to have you with us on this journey!

🎉 Exciting News Alert! 🎉

We are thrilled to announce that our new location is open! Get ready to experience our incredible brand-new spot. Stay tuned for more updates and join us on this new adventure. We can't wait to see you there!

✨ 1244 Flaire Drive, Toledo, OH, 43615 ✨

To ensure the safety and well-being of both you and Anyana Kai, we kindly request that you fill out and submit the Supplicant form. By completing this form and sending it back to us via email, you will become a member and gain access to valuable information about your health and the healing modalities offered at Anyana Kai.

Anyana Kai's Fragrance & Chemical-Free Policy

At Anyana Kai, we understand the importance of creating a safe and healthy environment for all individuals. Many of our seekers are working diligently to improve their health and well-being, and for some, exposure to fragrances and dryer sheets can have serious consequences, even potentially triggering seizures.

We want to ensure that everyone who enters Anyana Kai can feel supported and comfortable, which is why we have designated our space as a fragrance and dryer sheet-free zone. By eliminating these potential sources of toxins, we create a space where those who have worked hard to become healthy do not have to worry about being exposed to harmful chemicals.

Your cooperation in maintaining this scent-free environment is greatly appreciated and helps us uphold our commitment to providing a safe and welcoming space for all seekers of our community. Thank you for understanding and supporting our efforts to prioritize the health and well-being of everyone at Anyana Kai.

If you arrive with chemicals, synthetic fragrances, dryer sheets, or other cleaning agents which emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) on your person or clothing, you will be asked to shower, and change into clean clothing provided by Anyana Kai. In some cases, rescheduling your appointment may be necessary.

Refresh, Revitalize, Renew with our Colon Hydrotherapy special!

Our gentle and effective detox treatment removes toxins and rejuvenates your body.

Welcome to Anyana Kai, an unincorporated faith based - Independent Native American Church and home to Toledo's most experienced group of traditional, natural and homeopathic therapy healers. Our healers have been trained and instructed in both modern medical techniques as well as ancient Native American rituals and sacraments. Our practitioners have been instrumental in helping thousands of individuals like yourself restore the balance between their mind, body, and spirit.

Here at Anyana Kai, we focus on harnessing the healing powers of natural medicines, ancient wellness techniques and the body itself to help seekers regain the natural balance they are missing. No matter the ailment; the practitioners, interns, seekers, and attendants of Anyana Kai will help you as you progress on a personal path toward healthy and balanced living. Every seeker is different, and so every path back towards balance is unique to the individual.

Greetings Seekers

"We provide a large toolbox and many accessible resources that assist in productively channeling your body's energy, allowing you to manifest your desires on all levels, thus harnessing your body's innate wisdom for healing. Congratulations on taking your first step towards becoming a seeker in the most advanced technologies, and ancient and honored traditions of the Independent Native American Church of Anyana Kai. We welcome you with open arms and open minds and will be with you every step of the way as you begin your journey toward health, healing, and a truly balanced life."

  • charmaine rose bassett, NMD, DM, NAP. MW